Here is a brief explanation of our Standard PIN Diode Driver numbering system. For detailed data sheets and application notes (in compact .PDF format), the very best place to go is our Appnote Download Area!
Example: NX340B4-T Noninverting Extremely fast 3 channel 40 mA +5, -15V driver in 3/8 by 5/8 ceramic package, full 883 screening.
N: Noninverting TTL compatible. Logic ‘1’ produces positive output.
I: Inverting TTL compatible. Logic ‘1’ produces negative output.
S: Strappable TTL compatible. Driver is inverting when INV input is used, or noninverting when NONINV input is used and INV and TP are connected.
X: Exclusive-Or Mode Control TTL. Tie mode control to ground for noninverting operation, or tie mode control to +5V for inverting.
M: Mode control (exclusive nor) TTL. Logical complement to ‘X’ logic.
D: Decoded Binary TTL. Two or three bit input word selects one output to go negative out while all others stay positive out.
T: Toggle TTL. One TTL input controls a pair of complementary outputs.
G: Type code used to indicate a GaAs MMIC switch driver. See GaAs driver numbering sheet for specifics.
C: Complement Logic Input. Line receiver TTL with two complement inputs per channel.
E: ECL unbalanced (1 line) noninverting driver.
B: Balanced ECL (2 line) driver.
S: Slow. 40 nsec typical, 100 nsec max.
F: Fast. 8 nsec typical, 12 nsec max.
X: Extremely Fast. 5 nsec typical, 8 nsec max.
For drivers of logic codes N, I, S, X, M, C, E and B, each output constitutes a separate channel.
For drivers of logic codes T and G (See GaAs driver sheet) each pair of complementary outputs constitutes one channel.
For logic code D drivers, each output is counted as a separate channel.
The third character of a driver’s Impellimax part number is a numeral from 1 thru 9 which is the total quantity of channels per driver as defined above.
The following output currents are available as standard parts:
05mA | 10mA | 15mA | 20mA | 25mA | 30mA | 40mA | 50mA | 60mA | 70mA |
220 | 100 | 68 | 51 | 39 | 33 | 27 | 22 | 18 | 15 |
These are standard RETMA values chosen to produce a voltage drop of approximately one volt at the nominal current value. In Impellimax drivers, unless stated otherwise in the particular data sheet, negative output current is nominally equal in magnitude to positive output current when the negative bias is -5V. This negative ouput current typically increases linearly versus increasing negative bias.
Maximum negative supply voltage:
A -12V
B -15V
C -30V
D -50V
E -100V
F -250V
G -500V
H -1000V
These are operating values.
Other standard supply voltage codes:
5 +5V only, no negative supply
P +5V and +15V, no neg. supply
Q -5V, +5V, +250V
R -5V, +5V, +500V
S -5V, +5V, +1000V
X -5V, +30V
Y -5V, +5V, +50V
Z -5V, +5V, +100V
The last character of a driver’s Impellimax part number is as given below:
1 3/8 * 3/8 Metal 14 leads
2 3/8 * 3/8 Ceramic 14 leads
3 3/8 * 5/8 Metal 22 leads
4 3/8 * 5/8 Ceramic 22 leads
5 5/8 * 5/8 Metal 22 leads
6 3/8 * 3/8 Ceramic Thin 14 leads
7 3/8 * 5/8 Ceramic Thin 22 leads
K 1/4 * 3/8 Ceramic 14 leads
C 5/8 * 5/8 Ceramic 22 leads
S Substrate driver
L LCC (See outline drawing for dimensions.)
Typical commercial screening for packaged Impellimax drivers is as follows:
In-Process Visual Inspection per MIL-STD-883, Method 2017
Pre-Cap Visual Inspection per MIL-STD-883, Method 2017
Gross Leak Test per Impellimax procedure
Constant Acceleration per MIL-STD-883, Method 2012 Cond. A
Final Visual Inspection per MIL-STD-883, Method 2009
Substrate drivers receive Visual Inspection and Electrical Test.
QA and Environmental testing, in addition to these steps, is available and is indicated by a hyphenated letter code suffix (or suffixes) as follows:
A Constant Acceleration (specify)
B Burn-in (specify conditions)
C Cut and/or formed leads
D PIND Testing
F Fine Leak
G Gross Leak Bomb (883, Method 1014 Cond. C1)
L 100% Bondpull
S Space qualification necessary
T Screening per 883, Method 5008 Class B